Nutritional Status & Viral Infections

viral infections

Nutritional Status & Viral Infections I wanted to write a quick blog on an incredibly important concept when it comes to viral infections, and that is that: The nutritional status of the host can have a profound influence on a virus, so that a normally avirulent virus becomes virulent because of changes in the viral

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The 7C Model of Resiliency

The 7C Model of Resiliency

In my first article I introduced the concept of resilience, and in a recent article I discussed potential barriers to resilience. In this article I want to discuss ways we can enhance our resilience, specifically through the 7C model of resiliency. The 7C Model Of Resilience Control: Having sense of control/autonomy of our lives has been

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Self-complexity And Resilience

Self-complexity And Resilience

Self-complexity And Resilience In my previous post I discussed some barriers to Resilience. In this post I actually want to discuss a topic that has been discussed in the research to potentially enhance, but also possibly reduce our resilience – self-complexity and resilience. What does self-complexity mean? Identifying with yourself, through a variety of means. For example

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Barriers To Resilience

Barriers to resilience

Barriers To Resilience There is an easy way to structure our thinking around health and dis-ease….what do I need to add more of, and, what do I need to remove (reduce) in order to heal? According to Najjia Mahmoud, and, David Rothenberger who authored the paper ‘From Burnout To Well-being: A focus on resilience’ the

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Resilience, one of the most important terms in health and, certainly until recently is a term not discussed enough – not with any specificity anyway. Ultimately, when we are seeking improvement in our health, at some level, we are talking about improving our resilience. But a deeper understanding of the term may help us create

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Spituality – what even is it? I’ve viewed myself as someone who is spiritual for quite some time. We often here a comment along the lines of “I’m not religious but I am spiritual”. While I had a sense of what I meant by this, I was also very aware of my inability to fully

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Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul. —Epicurus (341–270 BC)2 Since I can remember I have always admired those who I have viewed

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What’s Your Enterotype?

What's Your Enterotype?

What is an enterotype? Recent research suggests that the human microbiome can be assigned to three main groups – so-called enterotypes. Intestinal bacteria develop – depending on the enterotype – stable, clearly different clusters with typical metabolic properties. The three enterotypes are thought to consist of, or be dominated by, the following bacteria: Enterotype 1

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Ankylosing Spondylitis And The Gut Microbiome

considerations for Ankylosing Spondylitis

What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory arthritis, thought by some to be autoimmune in origin. It would appear that the most likely causative agent in the development of Ankylosing spondylitis is an environmental factor in the genetically susceptible, HLA-B27 positive, individuals. What is HLA-B27? It has been shown that more than

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