The Ultimate Guide To Mycotoxins

mould illness

Welcome to my blog ‘The Ultimate Guide To Mycotoxins’. If you mainly interested in treatment then scroll down to the final part of this blog and check out my other blogs for deeper dives in to specific elements of treatment. For example: Ochratoxin A Toxicity: Antioxidants Are To The Rescue! Curcumin For Ochratoxin A Induced

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Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

You might not think that within the context of Functional Medicine I would want to talk about lucid dreaming but, I think we should! For two reasons, one being rather obvious(!). Sleep is one of the most important elements of healing, from many chronic conditions. Many in the field believe that lucid dreaming can be

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How To Sleep Like A Baby

A Personalised Approach To Chronic Fatigue

In this article I will introduce the concept of our circadian rhythm’s and answer common questions around optimising our sleep. It is not yet finished but I’ll be editing it over the coming days (first published on 18/04/20). What Are Circadian Rhythms? Circadian rhythms are 24-h rhythms in physiology and behaviour generated by molecular clocks,

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SIBO: What Causes It?

SIBO: What Causes It?

SIBO: What Causes It? When we think about the causes of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) we need to start with the question: What are our natural internal defence mechanisms for preventing SIBO? I think it is Dr. Siebecker who stated: One should always search for factors which could have caused the occurrence of the

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Depression: A Functional Medicine Approach

Gut brain axis depression

Depression is becoming an increasingly common condition. There are a multitude of factors as to why someone may develop depression from traumatic events in their childhood (referred to as ACE’s, or, adverse childhood advents in the research), or feelings of loneliness, or a lack of purpose or meaning in life, to nutrient deficiencies, imbalances in

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What Is The Gut Brain Axis?

Ankylosing Spondylitis

What Is The Gut Brain Axis? The axis is made up of several communication pathways between the gut and the brain. These include: An immune pathway A hormone pathway A metabolite pathway A neurological pathway In the most simplistic terms these pathways, which we refer to as the gut brain axis, are what interconnect these

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What Is SIBO?

What Is SIBO?

What Is SIBO? SIBO stands for ‘small intestinal bacterial overgrowth’ and is when we have an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. We should have far fewer bacteria in this area compared to the large intestine. What Causes SIBO? Dr. Jacobi, aka The SIBO Doctor, has done a great job of categorising causes of

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