The 7C Model of Resiliency

The 7C Model of Resiliency

In my first article I introduced the concept of resilience, and in a recent article I discussed potential barriers to resilience. In this article I want to discuss ways we can enhance our resilience, specifically through the 7C model of resiliency.

The 7C Model Of Resilience

Control: Having sense of control/autonomy of our lives has been shown to reduce perceived levels of stress and thus may support resilience. Sonia Lupen in her book, Well Stressed, discusses the role of control within the context of stress.

Competence: Competence is largely developed through experience. We need to consistently work at whatever skill we desire to develop this mindset. There are many common scenarios we can use examples – wanting to run a marathon, wanting to meditate, wanting to be more grateful, or wanting to be a good guitar (or other instrument) player. These all require consistent practice/experience for us to feel competent. When we feel competent in something we will feel more confident and resilient.

Confidence: This is simply the ‘belief in one’s abilities’ and has been shown to lead to self-efficacy.

Connection: There is a wealth of research showing us that connection improves our health. Did you know that loneliness may be inflammatory in its own right? There is a subjective element to this as being alone, and feeling lonely are not the same experience.

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Character: Having a fundamental sense in right or wrong. Living a life based on your known values, this all leads to greater self-worth.

Contribution: Enhances competence, character and connection. How do you currently contribute? At a familial, community, and global scale? We all do after all! I honestly feel that connecting to the contribution, and reflecting on how we can improve upon it, is a very powerful way to enhance your resilience as it enhances your character, competence and connection.

Coping: How do you cope with stress? We can have strategies that actually add stress, or reduce our resilience, or strategies which enhance our resilience. Keep an eye out for my upcoming blog post on our behavioural response to stress.

Adaptive coping strategies are critical for healthy development.

Mindfulness, stress management, and small group discussions are thought to be at least partially effective in building resilience by specifically addressing the coping, character, and connection aspects of well-being.

The 7C Model of resiliency is just one model and can be considered within the broader concept of resiliency. You can also likely see how many of these C’s are interconnected.


Mahmoud & Rotheberger, From Burnout to Well-Being: A Focus on Resilience

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Alex is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP) and has a MSc in Personalised Nutrition. He is also a breathwork facilitator with a background in personal training and massage therapy. He also runs The Resiliency Program - a 24 week program aimed at building physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.

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