What Is Spiritual Intelligence?

What Is Spiritual Intelligence?

Spiritual intelligence

Welcome to my blog entitled ‘What Is Spiritual Intelligence?’.

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What Is Spiritual Intelligence?

Emmons  identified five components of SI:

  1. The capacity to transcend the physical and material.
  2. The ability to experience heightened states of consciousness
  3. The ability to sanctify everyday experience.
  4. The ability to utilise spiritual resources to solve problems.
  5. The capacity to be virtuous.

Griffiths defines SI as a higher dimension of intelligence that activates the qualities and capabilities of the authentic self in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. According to Griffiths, SI results in a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. Additionally, SI enhances a wide range of important skills (both life skills and work skills). Griffiths understands SI to be a consequent effect of the presence and action of both the intellectual and the emotional intelligence modalities.

Can We Test For Spiritual Intelligence?

There is the ‘Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory’ (SISRI-24)

Spiritual Intelligence And Health

Below are some quotes from the research:

SI is assumed to have adaptive function and a relation to better health and well-being. This is one of the most important reasons to further explore the SI.

Findings of the study revealed that S.I and mental health relate significantly among arts students. 3

There is a significant relationship between S.I and the resiliency of rehabilitation staff. 4

Spirituality and religion are an important source of strength for adjusting of patients to cancer and help patients to achieve the sense of meaning and purpose in the course of disease. 5

The results revealed a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and hardiness, S.I and well-being 6

High level of spiritual intelligence in nurses helps them to improve their psychological well-being and have a purpose in life, which can lead to the health provision of them and their patients. 7

References: What Is Spiritual Intelligence?

  1. The Impact of SI, Gender and Educational Background on Mental Health Among College Students: click here.
  2. The Relationship between SI and Resiliency of Rehabilitation Staff: click here.
  3. Association between SI and stress, anxiety, and depression coping styles in patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy in university hospitals of Tehran University of medical science: click here.
  4. A Synthesis of SI Themes from Islamic and Western Philosophical Perspectives: click here.
  5. The relationship of general health, hardiness and spiritual intelligence relationship in Iranian nurses: click here.
  6. The relationship between SI with psychological well-being and purpose in life of nurses: click here.
  7. This study showed that SI correlates with self-efficacy and has a decisive role in improving the health of adolescents with diabetes: click here.
  8. Developing and following strategies for promoting spiritual intelligence can alleviate depression, stress, and anxiety after spontaneous abortion and also help manage complicated pregnancies.: click here.
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Alex is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP) and has a MSc in Personalised Nutrition. He is also a breathwork facilitator with a background in personal training and massage therapy. He also runs The Resiliency Program - a 24 week program aimed at building physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.

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