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About This Episode
Medicinal Mushrooms with Sachin Patel
We discuss:
- Self-empowerment and resilience as the key to living a healthy vibrant life
- The power of medicinal mushrooms
Sachin’s website is:
Episode Links
- Anti-Obesity Effects of Medicinal and Edible Mushrooms: click here
- Antiviral Agents From Fungi: Diversity, Mechanisms and Potential Application: click here
- Medicinal mushrooms as an attractive new source of natural compounds for future cancer therapy: click here
- B-glucans from Grifola frondosa and Ganoderma lucidum in breast cancer: an example of complementary and integrative medicine: click here
- Medicinal Mushrooms in Human Clinical Studies. Part I. Anticancer, Oncoimmunological, and Immunomodulatory Activities: A Review: click here