Mold And Neurological Symptoms

Mold and neurological symptoms

Welcome to my blog ‘Mold And Neurological Symptoms’.

You may like to read the section of my blog dedicated to mold and mycotoxins.

Mold And Neurological Symptoms

Gene-environment interactions are increasingly being recognised as a potential explanation for the rising incidence of neurological disorders. Within this framework, the impact of air pollutants on health and clinical outcomes has garnered significant attention. Among these pollutants are fungi and molds. These organisms thrive indoors in areas with high moisture levels, producing harmful mycotoxins. Mycotoxins can enter the body through the nasal passages via olfactory neurons that have direct connections to the brain. Mycotoxins can trigger toxic effects, such as oxidative stress and inflammation, which are similar to those observed in various brain disorders.

Mycotoxins can enter the body through the nasal passages via olfactory neurons that have direct connections to the brain.

A single mold species can generate multiple mycotoxins, and conversely, different molds can produce the same mycotoxin. Even minimal mold growth in places like air conditioners, ductwork, building panels, or vehicles can lead to chronic exposure, causing occupants to continuously inhale spores and mycotoxins, potentially leading to illness. (source)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that 50% of fungal and mold growth can be hidden from the human view.


How Does Mold Cause Neurological Symptoms?

The first thing to appreciate is that mycotoxins can cross the blood brain barrier, which protects the brain from harmful substances. A study has shown that T-2 toxin (a mycotoxin) can cross blood brain barrier and accumulate in the brain, leading to neurotoxicity.  In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that cellular and molecular oxidative stress is a direct mechanism of mycotoxin-induced cytotoxicity.

Mycotoxins exert their toxic neurological effects through various mechanisms, including:

  • Oxidative stress.
  • Neuroinflammation.
  • Nerve damage.
  • IgE antibody production.
  • The inhibition of ribosomal protein synthesis.
  • Interference with RNA and DNA biosynthesis.
  • Disruption of mitochondrial and cell membrane function.
  • Inducing apoptosis.
  • Impaired immune function, leading to altered immune responses.
  • Neutrient deficiencies.

Disrupts The Blood Brain Barrier

Not only can some mycotoxins cross the blood brain barrier, but they also damage the blood brain barrier. Studies have shown that mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) reduces blood brain barrier integrity and cause cytotoxic effects at very low concentrations. (source)

Some mycotoxins that can affect the BBB include: 

  • Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1): Can damage nerve cells and disrupt the blood brain barrier composition.
  • T-2 toxin: A fat-soluble molecule that can bind to endothelial cell membranes, causing lipid peroxidation and disrupting monoamine metabolism.
  • Ochratoxin A: High levels of this mycotoxin can cause cytotoxic and barrier-weakening effects.
  • Deoxynivalenol (DON): Can reduce blood brain barrier integrity and cause cytotoxic effects at low concentrations.
  • Gliotoxin (GTX): Can impair the integrity of the blood brain barrier and decrease barrier function. 

Oxidative Stress

Brain cells are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress caused by environmental mycotoxins like DON, ochratoxin A, and T-2 toxins.

Exposure to specific mycotoxins like satratoxin H can lead to increased oxidative stress, activation of MAPKs, and depletion of reduced glutathione. (source)


Mycotoxins can trigger a neuroinflammatory response that leads to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the activation of microglial cells. This chronic inflammation can contribute to neurological symptoms.

Nerve Damage

Mycotoxins can directly damage the central nervous system, leading to neuropathy (nerve damage)

IgE production And Mast Cell Activation

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to mycotoxins stimulate mast cells to release heparin, histamine, proinflammatory cytokines, and prostaglandin GD2. This release induces neurological symptoms such as brain fog, headache, nausea, fatigue.

Mast cells, which are immune cells found around blood vessels in all tissues, including the brain, release various inflammatory cytokines. They are present in tissues near blood vessels and nerves and are also found in the skin, lung mucosa, digestive system, oral cavity, nose, and conjunctiva. Recent research has shown a strong link between the prevalence of mast cells and a higher risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Mycotoxin exposure is linked to mast cell activation. When immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies react to mycotoxins, they trigger mast cells to release substances like heparin, histamine, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and prostaglandin GD2, which can cause neurological symptoms such as brain fog, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and irritation of the respiratory tract.

Recent studies suggest that this stimulation by IgE antibodies to mycotoxins can lead to mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a condition that is often undiagnosed. It has also been reported that the prevalence of ASD in children with mastocytosis is ten times higher than in the general population. Additionally, about one-third of mastocytosis patients experience neuropsychological symptoms like fatigue, depression, and cognitive issues. Notably, mycotoxins can activate both mast cells and microglia, as interactions between these cells play a role in neuropsychiatric disorders, especially in symptoms like “brain fog.” (source)

Impaired Immune Function

The immunosuppressive effects of mycotoxins encompass microbiocidal activity, suppression of superoxide release, inhibition of T-lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, and decreased cytokine production by leukocytes. Additionally, mycotoxins can impact nerve axons by activating various kinases, such as mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), with macrocyclic trichothecenes being particularly potent MAPK activators. (source)

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

This paper also discusses the possibility that mycotoxins disrupt vitamin B12, causing vitamin B12 deficiency and thus neurological symptoms.

Mycotoxins And Multiple Sclerosis

Researchers at Rutgers School of Medicine suggested in 2010 that mycotoxins are the primary cause of multiple sclerosis and thus may offer a path toward an effective treatment (source)

Mycotoxins have significant toxic effects on the brain as well as the peripheral nervous system. Studies have shown that mycotoxins can cause myelin loss, the protective covering around nerves, leading to symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and other demyelinating disorders. In the peripheral nervous system, loss of myelin can be to sensory nerves, motor nerves, or both.

One survey of 119 patients exposed to mold and mycotoxins in whom the mycotoxin antibody test was positive in blood serum observed demyelination of nerves.

In another study all participants developed blood serum antibodies to nerve tissue, including myelin basic protein antibodies, myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies, and others, which led to significant neurological effects.

Another study found that patients can develop demyelinating optic neuritis due to mycotoxin exposure, which leads to blurred vision, reduced visual fields, and reduced pupillary response. It has been demonstrated that patients diagnosed with this disorder were successfully treated with oral itraconazole and intravenous gamma globulin. (source)

A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that the mycotoxin gliotoxin causes demyelination both in live subjects (in vivo) and in lab conditions (in vitro), contributing to the development of multiple sclerosis.

Mycotoxins and Autism

Mycotoxins may be effective in ASD. A study on 172 children with ASD with 61 controls showed significant differences comparing antibodies to mycotoxins between the 2 groups,
and the ASD group indicated higher serum antibodies to mycotoxins. Research findings from the Tufts University School of Medicine suggested that mycotoxins cause ASD. According to the survey results, exposure to mycotoxins and molds can directly affect the nervous system or through the activation of immune cells and contribute to ASD and other neuro-developmental disorders. A followup study from the same institution the following year confirmed these findings. (source)

Testing Mycotoxins

The most well known and frequently recommended testing is the urinary mycotoxin test from one of two labs, Mozaic Diagnostics, or Real Time Labs. While these can be extremely useful they do come with serious limitations however and it is important to work with a mold literate practitioner to gain the most out of the testing. I have blogged about this extensively.

There is also blood antibody testing that looks at both IgG and IgE antibodies to mycotoxins.

Research by Brasel et al. showed that antibodies to trichothecene mycotoxin from Stachybotrys chartarum could be detected in the blood serum of patients exposed to mold-contaminated indoor environments. Additionally, a study comparing 500 mold-exposed patients with 500 controls found significantly higher levels of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the mycotoxin satratoxin in the exposed group compared to the controls. (source)

To obtain a complete picture of the effects of mycotoxins on the patient, including body burden and autoimmunity, and crossing the BBB, serum antibodies to mycotoxins are the most accurate method, confirmed by numerous studies published in reputable medicine.

Testing Your Property For Mold And Mycotoxins

Speak with Pure Maintenance about their services.

I also recommend Action Dry and had Andy on the podcast talking about remediation after water damage.

It’s Not Just About Mold and Mycotoxins

It’s also noted that another type of toxin from bacteria, called biotoxins, might be more significant than mycotoxins when it comes to their health impact. Research has demonstrated that  certain actinomycetes species are often present in water-damaged buildings. It’s important to note that a ‘normal’ test result does not equate to a safe indoor environment, as individual toxic load burdens can vary.

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Alex is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP) and has a MSc in Personalised Nutrition. He is also a breathwork facilitator with a background in personal training and massage therapy. He also runs The Resiliency Program - a 24 week program aimed at building physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.

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