

Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul. —Epicurus (341–270 BC)2 Since I can remember I have always admired those who I have viewed

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What’s Your Enterotype?

What's Your Enterotype?

What is an enterotype? Recent research suggests that the human microbiome can be assigned to three main groups – so-called enterotypes. Intestinal bacteria develop – depending on the enterotype – stable, clearly different clusters with typical metabolic properties. The three enterotypes are thought to consist of, or be dominated by, the following bacteria: Enterotype 1

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Ankylosing Spondylitis And The Gut Microbiome

considerations for Ankylosing Spondylitis

What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory arthritis, thought by some to be autoimmune in origin. It would appear that the most likely causative agent in the development of Ankylosing spondylitis is an environmental factor in the genetically susceptible, HLA-B27 positive, individuals. What is HLA-B27? It has been shown that more than

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Self-Compassion Researchers are beginning to conceptualise self-compassion as a buffer, or moderator, of the relationships between distressing events and negative self-feelings. Self-compassion contains three components: Self-kindness versus self-judgment Common humanity versus isolation Mindfulness versus over-identification These components combine and mutually interact. Self-compassion is relevant when considering personal inadequacies, mistakes, and failures, as well as when confronting painful

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Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth

Some research suggests that 81% of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, 84% of people with fibromyalgia, 54% of people with hypothyroidism and up to 78% of people with IBS have small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) Hydrogen breath tests are widely used to explore what’s going on in functional gastrointestinal disorders. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

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Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue “I have adrenal fatigue” This is one of the most common reasons why people contact me. They have either (a) read about this condition and realised they have many of the symptoms, (b) been told by a practitioner they likely have the condition, or, (c) have been tested and been told they have

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