Mycophenolic Acid: Successful Treatment Considerations (Updated 2023)

Before we start, other blogs that you might be interested in, include:

Mycophenolic Acid (MPA)  is produced by the Penicillium fungus. MPA is an immunosuppressant which inhibits the proliferation of B and T lymphocytes.

It’s also an immunosuppressant medication used to prevent rejection following organ transplantation and to treat autoimmune conditions – a lot of our medications come from the plant and fungi kingdoms! Because it has been used as a medication, it is actually one of the better understood mycotoxins.

A pilot study aimed to establish a cause to explain the connection between symptoms experienced by occupants of a workplace and the presence in the building of “toxic dampness microbiota”. Mycophenolic acid, which is a potential immunosuppressant, was detected in the initial and follow-up urine samples of these office workers. The atuhtors concluded: “Our study suggests that the presence of mycotoxins in indoor air is linked to the morbidity of the occupants.” (source)

Symptoms of Mycophenolic Acid

There are no specific symptoms to this specific mycotoxin. You may like to read my blog “What Are The Symptoms Of Mycotoxins: A Family Case Study

Mycophenolic Acid And Gut Health

MPA exposure can increase the risk of opportunistic infections such as Clostridia and Candida.

In an invitro study the authors discovered that MPA may compromise intestinal membrane integrity (i.e cause leaky gut) and contribute to gastrointestinal toxicity. (source)

MPA is associated with miscarriage and congenital malformations when the woman is exposed in pregnancy.

Testing Mycophenolic Acid

The only test I am aware of is via Mosaic Diagnostics and it is a urinary test which I have written extensively about on the blog.

According to Mosaic Diagnostics average positive test results tend to range between fifty and the mid hundreds. Although I have seen it in the thousands before.

I mentioned at the beginning of the blog that MPA is also used as medication. Mosaic Diagnostics say that when someone is taking a drug with MPA, the amount detected in the urine tends to be between 40,000-100,000!

I have found it helpful to run a detoxification genetic panel from Lifecode GX on clients to help tailor treatment. It can show whether there are any predispositions to poor detoxification through pathways such as glucuronidation. For example, I have the wild genotype which is associated with low UGT1A6 enzyme activity. Essentially what this means is I need to be a little more mindful around supporting the glucuronidation (more on this in the diet and supplement sections!).

The Most Important Thing To Know When Positive For Mycophenolic Acid

The half-life of MPA is between 8-16 hours, therefore when extreme elevations are occurring, it is likely from a very recent, or current, exposure.

Diet And Mycophenolic Acid

It will be important to support glucuronidaton – a detox pathway used to detoxify MPA. This can be done via eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage.

Also don’t forget dietary fibre can be very helpful (ground flax for example). Use code ALEXMANOS10 to receive £10 off your order at Welleasy.

Steamed kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage and green bell peppers have also been shown to act as a binder in vitro (3).

Supplements For Mycophenolic Acid

For U.K readers get 10% off your supplements at Healthpath using code ‘alexmanos10’.

Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual, based on more that just the test results. Having said that, things to consider specific to mycophenolic acid include:

Green Tea Extract


MPA is metabolised by the detox pathway called glucuronidation. Ca-D-Glucarate supports glucuronidation. I think it actually really helped my histamine issues (I have poor genetics when it comes to glucuronidation!)



Gut Healing Support

MPA has been shown to contribute to gut damage

What Binder Is Best For Mycophenolic Acid?

Based on the current published research, there are no specific binders for specific mycotoxins.

However, Dr. Nathan through his experience, says that you can select binders for specific mycotoxins.

Considerations for Mycophenolic Acid include:

References: MPA: The “Mould Fart”

  1. MPA and Its Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions in Humans: Review of the Evidence and Clinical Implications (click here)
  2. Aerosolization of Mycotoxins after Growth of Toxinogenic Fungi on Wallpaper (click here)
  3. Steam cooking significantly improves in vitro bile acid binding of collard greens, kale, mustard greens, broccoli, green bell pepper, and cabbage (click here)


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Alex is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP) and has a MSc in Personalised Nutrition. He is also a breathwork facilitator with a background in personal training and massage therapy. He also runs The Resiliency Program - a 24 week program aimed at building physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.

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